WWE RAW Results – April 25, 2016

Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a graphic in memory of “Chyna”.

The music hits and out comes Shane McMahon to a pop. Shane says he’s back because of the fans. He says we are going to have some more new faces and more new matches tonight. Then He’s interrupted by the music and out comes Stephanie McMahon. Crowd boo her. Stephanie says local officials are honoring her but that’s not why she’s out here, she’s not here to brag. She announces this is the last night Shane will be running the RAW and fans boo.

Stephanie says Vince McMahon will be at Payback on Sunday and he will announce that who will run RAW – The Authority or Shane. Shane tells Stephanie to leave the ring. She refuses and shane calls the security to come down. She leaves the ring after yelling at him but turns on one of the security guards and starts slapping him. They take her up the ramp and Shane leads the crowd in singing “goodbye” to her.

AJ Styles vs. Sheamus

Winner: AJ Styles

The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Sami Zayn vs. Rusev

Winner: Sami Zayn

Stardust vs. Apollo Crews

Winner: Apollo Crews

Dean Ambrose comes to a pop.He says he was supposed to host The Ambrose Asylum tonight but he told Shane McMahon it’s not happening because he’s not in the mood. Ambrose says he’s facing one of the best this Sunday at Payback, Chris Jericho. Ambrose says he will fight for respect and will earn respect. Jericho likes to cheap shot but Ambrose will kick your front door in. Ambrose goes on and calls Jericho to the ring.

Jericho comes to the ring and calls Ambrose a disrespectful stupid idiot. Jericho tells fans to shut up and the boos continue. Jericho says Ambrose should be thanking him because Jericho will give him the best match of his career this Sunday. Jericho wants Ambrose to apologize for disrespecting him and stealing The Highlight Reel. Ambrose attacks and they brawl to the floor. Ambrose sends him into the announce table and starts taking it apart. Ambrose ends up going face first into a monitor and Jericho turns it around. Jericho pounds away and applies a Walls of Jericho on top of the announce table.

Emma vs. Natalya

Winner: Natalya

Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio

Winner: Roman Reigns

After the match, Anderson and Gallows hit the ring and beat Reigns down until AJ Styles runs down. He pulls them off of Reigns and tries to calm them down. AJ turns around to a Superman punch from Reigns. Gallows comes back in but takes a Superman punch from Reigns. Styles with a Phenomenal Forearm on Reigns for a pop. 

AJ’s music hits as he sells the Superman punch and they both try to recover. RAW goes off the air.

