WWE RAW Results – May 2, 2016

Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back from WWE Payback last night and Michael Cole welcomes us to a new era with JBL and Byron Saxton.

Out comes Stephanie McMahon to boos with a gift bag in her hand. She heads to the ring and is announced as one half of the power of RAW. She says it feels great to be back and she’s wanted to do this for weeks. She goes to do a big welcome but Shane McMahon’s music interrupts and out he comes to a pop. Shane joins Stephanie in the ring and gets a pop. He welcomes everyone to RAW. Stephanie offers Shane the gift bag. Shane asks whats the catch is and she says there is none. He pulls out a photo of Shane and Vince from when Shane was a kid, the same one Vince stomped on several weeks back.

Stephanie asks Shane his ideas for tonight’s show. Shane says he’s moved by the photo and asks Stephanie what her ideas for tonight. She asks fans to pick whose ideas they want to hear and they cheer louder for Shane. Shane goes to present his ideas for tonight but the music interrupts and out comes Kevin Owens. Owens says its good to see brother and sister in the ring on RAW, getting along and everything. Owens says he has an idea of his own. Owens says the first decision should be to give him is a rematch for the WWE Intercontinental Title.

Owens says he has no hope in Shane doing the right thing but he praises Stephanie as a smart businesswoman. Owens says he wants rematch according to his contract. They all agree he has a valid point but the music interrupts and out comes Cesaro to a pop. Cesaro says he had The Miz beat in the middle of the ring at Payback if kevin owens did not interrupt. Shane says in the new era, we handle business in the ring. He announces Cesaro vs. Owens to determine a new #1 contender to The Miz.

#1 Contenders Match: Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Winner : None

Goldust vs. Tyler Breeze

Winner: Tyler Breeze

Big Cass and The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Vaudevillains

Winners: Big Cass and The New Day

Becky Lynch vs. Emma

Winner: Emma

Out comes Dean Ambrose for another edition of The Ambrose Asylum. Ambrose has his Mitch, the potted plant. He introduces Mitch and then brings out his guest, Stephanie McMahon. Fans boo. Stephanie says she’s glad to be here. She points out there are no chairs. Ambrose says she must be ready to explode after what happened at Payback. Stephanie says she couldn’t be happier and talks about the new era. Ambrose shows a photo of Stephanie being speared by Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 32. Ambrose brings up Shane McMahon returning and fans chant his name. Ambrose brings up all the personal sacrifices she’s made over the years for the family business. Ambrose says Vince McMahon putting both of them in charge just has to burn Stephanie up inside.

Stephanie says it’s time to apply that lesson to Ambrose. She says he’s been doing The Asylum for a few weeks and it’s time for a change. She officially cancels the segment and fans boo. She tells him to clean everything. Ambrose tells her she can keep everything but takes Mitch with him. Stephanie stops him and introduces the returning host of The Highlight Reel, Chris Jericho.

Jericho and Ambrose start brawling. Ambrose hits a big clothesline and brings it back in the ring. Ambrose tackles him and unloads with right hands. Jericho blocks Dirty Deeds and hits a Codebreaker as fans boo. Jericho destroys Ambrose’s sign and leaves the ring and stops when he sees Mitch. Fans chant “no!” as he grabs Mitch The Potted Plant and throws over Ambrose’s back. More boos for Jericho as he kneels down and talks trash to Ambrose. Jericho raises his hand in the air and fans boo louder.

#1 Contenders Battle Royal for US Title: Apollo Crews, Viktor, Damien Sandow, Zack Ryder, Stardust, Sheamus, Titus O’Neil, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio, Darren Young, Baron Corbin, Sin Cara, Dolph Ziggler, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel

Winner and New #1 Contender for US Title: Rusev

Roman Reigns and The Usos vs. AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Winners: AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

After the match, Anderson and Gallows bring Reigns into the ring as they have a steel chair. They hold Reigns and want Styles to hit him with chair but he hesitates. Anderson yells at Styles and gives him the chair. They hold Reigns and Styles backs up with the chair but throws it away. Uso comes from behind and nails AJ with a chair shot to the back. The Usos clear Gallows and Anderson from the ring. Styles nails Uso with chair shots from behind as Reigns recovers. Styles sends Uso to the floor.

Styles turns around to a Superman punch. Reigns sends Styles to the floor and goes nuts, launching Styles into the barrier. Reigns picks Styles up and sends him flying through the announce table with a big powerbomb. Reigns kneels down over Styles as fans boo. Reigns stands tall and raises his arms over AJ as his music hits as RAW goes off the air.

